Navigator Coaching and Consulting
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Livelihood: Professional Development
Distinctive, Relevant Coaching
You’ve likely heard the comment, ‘that’s a difference without a distinction’. Distinction implies something notable, discrete in the mind from something else, creating a meaningful contrast. Distinction is about creating relevance. This is the coaching I provide.

The coaching is conducted within the context of your organization’s culture, systems and structure – for this is where you are! The relevance is about who you are being, the environment you’re operating in and what is expected of you. This requires custom fit coaching to ensure your success. Utilizing a variety of tools, methods and techniques we’ll build awareness, create vision, define development, structure a plan, take action and measure results. The coaching is tailored to meet your needs and aimed at your success.

Coaching is particularly effective for ensuring success in these specific situations:
  •  You're a new leader entering the organization due to hiring or acquisition.
  •  You're a leader recently promoted to the next level of leadership.
  •  You're a leader entering into a new role or assignment.
  •  You're a leader who desires a mid career boost!
  •  You're a high potential individual contributor, or informal leader, preparing for a leadership role.
  •  You're a Human Resources professional aspiring to enhance your organizational value.
Powerful and Personal Coaching
“Creative, Resourceful and Whole” this is who you are at your nature. Who you are and where you are this very moment is a reflection of your thoughts, feeling, beliefs and actions; you created it all! That’s that good news and the interesting news.  

This coaching is designed to explore these elements. We’ll examine how you got here, where you desire to be and what’s getting in the way. We’ll craft meaningful vision for what’s next ,map it out and get on the path. Using various techniques, tools and methodologies you’ll get clear and get moving in the direction of your intentions and your dreams.

Coaching is particularly effective for ensuring success in these particular situations:
  •  You're quite content with where you are in life right now and are ready to explore what’s next.
  •  You're mostly happy with your life and … there’s one area that’s giving you fits where you’d like to make some changes.
  •  You’re still breathing but feel like you’re approaching the edge or perhaps have gone off that edge and are looking for a way back … or for a new landscape to navigate.

Personal Success: You Name IT!
Soul Centered Coaching
“You are Spirit having a Human Experience” … does this sound familiar? This isn’t about religion, this is about your innate Being and living connected to that Reality.  

This coaching is centered on your core belief system, whatever IT IS! We call forth and explore the core beliefs which shape your path. We honor where they came from and how they serve you and perhaps how they may also be constraining you. We’ll co-create ways to further enrich your connection with your higher power and harness the creative partnership you have with your Source. Enriched living and purposeful manifestation are the focus of our coaching.

Coaching is particularly effective for ensuring success in these particular situations:
  •  You're just beginning to explore your higher calling and wondering what it is and how to integrate it into your whole life.
  •  You’ve been hearing the calling for a while now and have taken steps in the direction of living your higher purpose but need a booster to move beyond life’s gravitational pull.
  •  You’re living fully expressed as Spirit in Action and are seeking ways to deepen even further.
Spirituality: A Higher Calling
"Sam creates a true partnership and professional environment to address one's area of growth.  Her experience and innovative approaches have helped me identify personal issues and search within myself for solutions.  Sam has the credentials to further executive performance to achieve success at any level."
Darryl - Technology Director, Family Man & Sports Fan
"Sam is an extraordinary executive coach. Her ability to help you explore the possible whether it is a personnel matter or a strategic direction is extraordinary. Sam has the knack through her questions and observations for allowing you to see the possible in your managerial choices. I enjoyed working with her and benefited immeasurably from her talents. I recommend her highly." 
Charles Molloy: President and Activist
Sam fosters open, compassionate communication, creating a safe environment for exploration of ideas. She helped me see the connections between the many forces in my life, allowing me to become more self-aware. Sam’s guidance helped me discover the many paths available to me, and to make educated, mindful choices in my career and life in general. She got to know me as a person, and had an innate sense of what I needed in my coaching – but she never just gave it to me. I see the benefit of Sam’s coaching in all aspects of my life, and what a difference it has made.

~Sarah - Supervisor and Adventurer